Has the thought of stringing all those elastics in a traveler's notebook got you bothered? I designed a traveler's-notebook-style book which I'm calling a PocketBook, and it uses pockets to hold those inserts, instead of using elastics! You can still remove and replace the inserts as often as you want!

This is one of those crafty dreams of mine. I thought of this for quite awhile and wanted to design it, and then when Aunty Vera Scrap and Craft said the June theme for her kit is Coffee and Friends, I knew it was the perfect theme for my creation! I jumped on board as a guest designer for June, and I'm loving this kit!
I recorded the video of my prototype, and after I played with it, I decided that the best measurement for A6 (4X6 inserts) is for the PocketBook to be 6.75" tall, rather than 7" tall. So I added the mewest measurements in the video in black script, and they are also in the video description box under the video in YouTube.
This video is part one -- it shows the actual construction of the PocketBook and matting the covers. In part two (to be released later this month), I will show embellishing the cover, making paper clips, and making two inserts for this PocketBook.

You can watch the video here:
My goal is to build on this idea and also create another PocketBook with a laminated cover for strength, and possibly add some other sizes besides A6. Thank you for watching and having fun with me as I expand on my newest creation!
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